For an archive of previous years' accomplishments.
December 2018
- Michaiah Leal along with Anne Todgham, Andrea Schreier and Joel Van Eenennaam co-authored, Triploidy in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus): Effects of acute stress and warm acclimation on physiological performance
November 2018
- Lydis Garas, Elizabeth Maga and James Murray authored, Lysozyme-rich milk mitigates effects of malnutrition in a pig model of malnutrition and infection
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Alycia Drwenke won 2nd place overall at the AVMA Animal Welfare Assessment Contest in Fort Collins. Alycia Drwencke and Rachael Coon took 3rd place in the overall team category
October 2018
- Marcela Vilarino and Pablo Ross co-authored Mosaicism diminishes the value of pre-implantation embryo biopsies for detecting CRISPR/Cas9 induced mutations in sheep.
- Monica Pechanec and Mike Mienaltowski co-authored Evaluation and Optimization of a Three-Dimensional Construct Model for Equine Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon
- Michaiah Leal, Alison Van Eenennaam, Andrea Schreier and Anne Todgham co-authored "The effects of warm temperature acclimation on basal stress, immunity and metabolism in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) of different ploidies". Comparative Biochemistry
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Maci Mueller and Sarah Klopatek were awarded science communication scholarships to attend the Council for Agriculture Science and Technology (CAST) annual meeting.
- Monica Pechanec received the Louis R. Rowan Fellowship, Center for Equine Health, UC Davis
September 2018
- Alice Mathews and Russ Hovey co-authored Using domperidone to induce and sustain hyperprolactinemia in late-pregnant gilts.
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Monica Pechanec won the Louis R. Rowan Fellowship, funded by the California Thoroughbred foundation.
- Erin Burns received the
August 2018
- Cynthia Jinno, Yijie He, Yanhong Liu and Annie King co-authored Enzymatic digestion turns food waste into feed for growing pigs.
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Maci Mueller was selected as a professional development fellow by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research
- Carlyn Peterson received the CA ARPAS Memorial Scholarship
- Carlyn Peterson also received the Lallemand Animal Nutriotion Forward Scholarship
July 2018
- Brittany Davis with Anne Todgham authored "Juvenile rockfish show resilience to CO2-acidification and hypoxia across multiple biological scales". Conservative Physiology
May 2018
- Grazyne Tresoldi co-authored Cooling cows with sprinklers: spray duration affects physiological responses to heat Load.
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Kwangwook Kim- placed 1st for his poster presentation "Supplementation of Bacillus subtilis enhanced growth rate and gut barrier function of weaning pigs experimentally infected with F18 Escherichia coli" at the California Animal Nutrition Conference.
- Vanessa Dahl received the 2018-19 AQHA Young Investigator Award
- Vanessa Dahl also received the 2018-19 West Coast Equine foundation Scholarship
- Carlyn Peterson was awarded the Lyons Fellowship for the 2018-19 Academic Year
- Chris Miller was awarded the Lyons Fellowship for the 2018-19 Academic Year
March 2018
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Kimberly Miller- received the 2018 NIH Trainee Travel Award to support her presentation at the 43rd Annual Conference of the ASA.
- Lindsey Broadus received an award from the Western Poultry Scholarship and Research Foundation (March 2018)
- Carmen Banks 2018-19 was awarded the Graduate Research Mentorship Award
- Jill Hagey was awarded the 2018-19 Saxon, Leland roy and Georgia Wood Award
- Michaiah Leal was awarded the 2018-19 UCD & Humanities Graduate Research Award
- Erin Burns received Graduate Student Support Program Award for the 2018-19 Academic Year
- Liza Gershony received the Ann T. Bowling Fellowship for the 2018-19 Academic Year
- Ana da Silva received the Research and Education in Advanced Clinical Health Award for the 2018-19 Academic Year
- Leah Mellinger recieved a funded traineeship with Sustainable Oceans NSF Training Program for the 2019-2020 Academic Year
- Catherine McVey was awarded the 2018-19 Dean's Distinguished Fellowship
Februrary 2018
- Yanina Bogliotti, Marcela Vilarino, Delia Soto co-authored Efficient derivation of stable primed pluripotent embryonic stem cells from bovine blastocysts; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
January 2018
- Christine Miller co-authored Optimizing accureacy of protocols for measing dry matter and nutrient yield of forage crops; The Science of Total Environment (May 2018)
- Erica Scott co-authored Cerebellar Abiotrophy Across domestic Species; Cerebellum. (Jan 2018)
Fellowships, Awards & Grants
- Sarah Klopatek recieved the California Cattlemen's Association Scholarship
- Kebreab Lab was awarded a grant by the Gates Foundation to improve nutritional quality and food safety in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso. Total grant amount totals $8.7 million
- Moriel Singer-Berk received the Neal A. Jorgenson Genome Travel Award for the Plant and Animal Genome Conference
- Erin Burns received the USDA Genomics in Animal Production